The pomelo, also called Citrus paradisi, is a cross between Citrus maxima and Citrus sinensis. Should one say grapefruit or pomelo?
One should distinguish between grapefruit and pomelo because they are not quite the same.
"Grapefruit" came from the fact that they grow in bunches, like grapes.
The grapefruit is a large fruit that originated in Indonesia and can weigh up to 8 kg. Its colour is usually pale yellow or green. It is characterized by a very high acidity, which makes it difficult to eat without adding a sweetener. The pomelo is the result of a cross between the true grapefruit and an orange from China.
It has a yellow-orange colour, usually tinged with pink. Popular for its sweetness, and its wide choice of flavours, there are different varieties with yellow, red and pink flesh, and varying degrees of acidity. It is the only citrus fruit that did not originate in Asia. Today, most pomelos are grown in the United States, Israel, Mexico, South Africa and Argentina.
Ruby Red is the most widely consumed variety, characterized by its sweet, pinkish, seedless flesh.
The red-fleshed Star Ruby and Dark Red are the most well-known varieties on the market. They are also distributed by Total Produce Indigo.
We also import the Honey Dew pomelo from China, which is a Chinese grapefruit. These are much larger than the other varieties. They usually weigh in excess of 1 kg.